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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Back Pain????

                For years I have suffered with a pinched nerve in my back which caused my arms and hands to go numb as I slept. I have seen a Chiropractor and that has always kept it in check.  I also see a Reflexologist from time to time. This last summer she told me I was getting pretty bad flat feet.  By the end of the summer I had developed what I was thinking was Achilles Tendonitis. It was getting very painful and made hiking difficult at best. My Reflexologist had suggested another Chiropractor that also did acupuncture. I had always been interested in acupuncture so I made an appointment to see this doctor. The doctor checked me out and suggested getting Orthotic shoe inserts that were made for my feet.  I thought about it and on my next visit she measured and took an imprint of me feet. When they came in I wore them that first week and low and behold the pain in my Achilles tendon went away. It’s been four months now and I haven’t had any problems with my tendon or the numbness in my arms and hands. It’s been pretty unbelievable. I will say that it was expensive, after the order and the three visits, the bill was a bit over five hundred dollars and it as a bad time for me because it was going into a time when a lot of money wasn’t coming in. But what cost do you put on being able to walk and sleep without being woken up in pain during the middle of the night? It was well worth it and I strongly suggest that anyone having problems with their ankles, legs or back to take a look at your feet. After all the feet is your foundation, much like the foundation of a building.

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